IF MANAGEMENT CARED they could easily post a map next to the phone so you could see the arrangement. You just have to drive around until you find it. They assigned me a spot too small and while I could see shade from the spot it was about a 5 minute walk away! ALSO, when you ask for directions to the spot they don't know where it is. I reserved a 'Shady Spot' for a 42 foot trailer. A sign on the door tells you to use the phone in the laundry to get your spot assignment and check in.
The office for the campground is permanently closed. If management cared they would have a big sign with an arrow stating RV Campground BEFORE (not after) the road and another sign that said low clearance ahead. Unfortunately that takes you to a low overhang with no choice but to back all the way back to against traffic. As I was looking for the campground I thought I would go a little further down the road. Since I had come to a complete stop I had time to read all the way down. Pulling into the property looking for the campground you will drive past a small sign that lists 7 things with arrows.